St. Croix Environmental Association

We promote the conservation of environmental resources, provide education and advocate for environmentally responsible actions that benefit St. Croix.

Environmental Education
Children have long been the focus of S.E.A.’s education program
We seek to provide education opportunities for all ages. Using age-appropriate environmental learning modules, S.E.A.’s educators deliver programs to nearly 2,000 elementary school children every year through visits to public schools, special programs such as Eco-Fair, and through SEA’s summer programs provided in cooperation with the island’s many summer camps. S.E.A. also offers snorkel clinics for all ages.

We help protect St. Croix resources that support ecosystems to sustain plants, animals, and marine life.
Promoting the conservation of environmental resources is a key element of the S.E.A.’s mission. The unique habitats and natural resources of the Southgate Coastal Reserve (SCR) are one important focus of S.E.A.’s direct conservation activities.
The Southgate Coastal Reserve and other sites that SEA owns or manages offer S.E.A. the opportunity to apply the best conservation practices available.

Environmental Advocacy
Applying science and understanding in developing positions on environmental issues and advocacy
S.E.A. does the hard scientific work to understand and advocate for the unique value of St. Croix’s environment and the interconnected ecosystems from the ridge line of our hills to the reefs in the surrounding waters.
We apply this science and understanding in developing positions on environmental issues and advocacy. In recent years, St. Croix Environmental Association has taken a stand to hold Limetree Bay Refinery accountable for pollution.

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